Attends Technologies And Benefits

Technologies And Benefits

Many years of research has gone in to developing the Attends product range so that our users can rest their minds knowing that they have the best products when it comes to their incontinence needs.

Quick Dry

For rapid absorption and dryness.

Quick-Dry is the name of the acquisition layer placed directly below the top sheet where the urine enters the pad. It quickly absorbs urine away from the skin and into the pad and prevents urine returning to the surface. The fibre structure is open when a gush of urine initially hits the pad and the urine is quickly led into the core of the pad to protect the skin. The urine cannot return to the surface, even under pressure.

The acquisition layer has the ability to handle multiple gushes of urine. The fibres are low absorbing themselves which means they do not absorb much urine like fluff would. The urine runs through the acquisition layer and does not remain inside it, which helps to keep the surface of the pad dry. There are different types of acquisition layers which are used in the products, but their common purpose is to absorb urine quickly keeping the top of the product nice and dry.

Active Zone 

Where most absorption is really needed.

Active Zone is the name given to the central part of the pad (also referred to as the Mid-50) that contains a relatively high percentage of the raw materials (fluff and SAP) compared to the edges (front and back) of the pad. It is generally accepted that the ‘pee point’ is situated in the centre of the pad which is why there is a need for high absorption and containment in this part of the product.

pH Value 

The core technology with the curly fibre acquisition layer helps to guarantee a low pH which is similar to the skin. This helps to protect the skin and ensures improved skin health.

The curly fibres help to keep the pH value close to the natural pH of the skin in the intimate areas which is approximately 4.5. A low pH value helps to reduce the growth of unwanted bacteria that cause unpleasant smells and can be harmful for the skin.

Odour Protection 

Keeps you safe from unpleasant smells.

The SAP in the core of the product locks urine away from the surface of the pad and from the skin, thereby reducing the risk of leakage. The more effectively urine is locked away inside the pad, the less risk of ammonia being formed. Ammonia is formed when urine comes into contact with oxygen and causes an unpleasant smell.

100% Breathable 

For all-round air comfort.

Breathable material has the ability to allow air to flow through. The use of this material helps the skin to be exposed to air, which can stimulate skin health, without causing leakage.

Super Soft Top Sheet 

Feels gentle on skin.

The super soft top sheet has a silky soft feel which is kind on the skin. It has hydrophilic properties which quickly allows the urine to pass into the acquisition layer and then into the absorbent core.

Single Wrap 

For increased hygiene and discretion.

The products are single wrapped in a nonwoven wrapper which protects the pads from dust/dirt after the bag has been opened. Furthermore, the single wrap covers any branding/recognition of the pad which is printed on the release paper, resulting in more discretion for the user.

We hope this has helped explain a little bit about the technologies used in our products and how these can work together to keep our users safe and dry. If you would like any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us and we’d be happy to help.

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